Friday, April 22, 2011

Land Rover LR3 conquers all

As you may know, I am a Land Rover fan. Was I always this way. No. I hated the wretched British piles of junk. At least that's what I thought but after some time behind the wheel of all the new models, I get it. I get the reason the wealthy buy these cars. They are silent on the road. It's like driving a Mercedes E or S class but with a lot of ground clearance.

The newer generation of Rovers are far more reliable than the earlier models. We can thank Ford for their involvement and the foresight to use Jaguar powertrains in these beasts. Did I just say using a Jag engine and trans was a good thing? I did. They are very reliable. I have not had a Jaguar or Rover with the 4.4L or 4.2L Supercharged in my shop for any type of repair that wasn't human induced.

My Wife and I are considering the LR3 for our next vehicle to replace our Mercedes ML430. One reason is the optional third row seating that allows me to space my 3 girls out in the car a little more.

If you've seen my Seattle road trip video, you can see the potential of the LR4 off road. The LR4 and LR3 are pretty much the same, with the LR4 using a new 5.0L engine.

Thanks for tuning in.


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  5. You have a good taste for cars. Were you able to purchase the LR3? Land Rover is very reliable in long road trips, regardless if it's urban or rural. Its ability to deal with the dirt should never be a question because its utility and off-road power are what they are famous for.

    Arlyne Nelms @Spartan Toyota
